Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Lanice is a Plettenberg Bay local who was born in Zimbabwe in 1960. She attended Brillantmont Finishing School in Lausanne, Switzerland where she learnt to speak French fluently. She came to South Africa, got married and had three daughters in Johannesburg. In 1997 she moved to Botswana with her family to start a guest lodge in the Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana. She has since semi retired to Plettenberg Bay where she spends her time selling houses and painting landscapes. She has a particular talent for capturing sky scenes and ocean landscapes, florals and meadows.
We have put up some images of some of her work, but she is also happy to paint something particular if you are able to provide her with a good quality photograph via email. Please allow her at least a month to complete your painting.
We have priced her paintings based on the size of the canvas, since that generally dictates the amount of paint used and also the amount of time needed to complete the painting. If you have a size in mind that is not listed here, please reach out to us.
The images you see here are her original works.
- Meadow in Botswana: This was post the big floods in the early 2000's. Southern Botswana is semi arid, but during this time there was an abundance of water, hence the carpets of yellow (and purple) flowers.
- Forest Meadow: Lanice is a big fan of ethereal scenes such as this. Her love for her husband of 30+ years was the inspiration for this creation.
- Botswana Scene: Having spent nearly 10 years in the Mashatu Game Reserve, Lanice's daughters and husband often request paintings of beautiful moments captured in this rarely visited place.
- Vase of Roses: Even though Lanice has lived a very colourful and chaotic life, what really makes her happy is the simple things, like picking roses from her little garden in Plettenberg Bay.
- Cherry Blossom Tree: Lanice's daughters have inherited her love for natural aesthetics. She has painted blossoms for their bedrooms in Plett, so that when they come to stay with their young children, they have something beautiful on their walls.
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